Stop = In the Name of LOVE ...
Saints Peter and Paul Church, San Francisco
Mrs. John French in our Tuscany Suite @ Kenwood Inn & Spa Sonoma California
Admiring the vineyards from the Tuscany Suite @ Kenwood Inn & Spa Sonoma California
"Wow," I thought - "This is like Falcon Crest."
John French in Washington Square - in San Francisco - just met Lawrence Ferlinghetti @ his City Lights Book Store and Publishing in North Beach
I had forgotten what street I wandered onto and from where and what city I was in until I looked up at this building and realized I was in the ChinaTown of San Francisco, CA
Wednesday, July 21, 2004 John and his wife Leslie were in court today. Because the other hearings which are scheduled before the 9:30 trial start time ran late, the jurors were not brought in until 10:00. Jim's sister Anne and her daughter, Tristin, entered the room as the testimony was beginning. Mr. Jeff Forer, counsel for the Morrison family, conducted the direct examination of today's witness, Mr. Mark Hurwitz. Mr. Hurwitz has been an attorney since 1962, and first represented Pam in 1971 to handle matters for her after Jim's death. After Pam moved to Sausalito, CA, Mr. Hurwitz had no further business dealings with her.
Mr. Hurwitz was hired by the Courson family in 1991 to represent them locally on issues dealing with The Doors and the partnerships. Another attorney, Ms. Roberta Cairney, was already representing the Coursons on intellectual property matters. Mr. Hurwitz answered questions related to business deals such as licensing, contracts, merchandising, proposals, and commercial offers in which he represented the Courson interest.
Rear Admiral Morrison arrived during the morning break from 11:00 to 11:25, and was expected to testify later today. Just before the lunch break at noon, a tall young man took a seat in the courtroom. When court resumed at 1:40 p.m., he was with the Morrison family: Rear Admiral Morrison, Anne, and Anne's daughter, Tristin. I spoke to him later during the afternoon break (2:55 to 3:20), and learned that he is Anne's son and Tristin's brother, Sefton.
Mrs. Giovanni French - North Beach - San Francisco
The Mansion Inn - Bodega Bay, California
@ the Grateful Dead House
Chris Dowd (on right -my old Marquette University mate who moved to San Francisco w/ our other friend from Marquette University Lake Grey)
John French (age 27 = a heavier version in between when I was younger and now).
Oh, yeah, and I was spending so much time in Atlanta that I became a fan of the Braves and, of course, I always liked Howard Finster and Coca-Cola so when I saw this t-shirt
@ the world headquarters of The Coca-Cola Company = it was a no-brainer ...
@ the Grateful Dead House
Golden Gate Bridge

Mrs. John French - San Francisco, California
Golden Gate Bridge
In the Limo after the union of Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni French --- best man and witness #1, Chris Dowd, and his girl, Lisa, as matron-of-honor and witness #2
the Kitchen on the first floor inside the Tuscany Suite @ Kenwood Inn & Spa Sonoma California
the Kitchen on the first floor inside the Tuscany Suite @ Kenwood Inn & Spa Sonoma California

Under the "California Roof" such a fun time talking & laughing and taking in the sun drenched, beautifully refreshing Kenwood Inn and Spa of Sonoma California
@ Kenwood Inn & Spa Sonoma California
Patio entrance and balcony for the Tuscany Suite
@ Kenwood Inn & Spa
Sonoma California
Mrs. Giovanni French in Pacific Heights
Patio and entrance for the Tuscany Suite
I love this because her name is "Deanna" French ---

"Wow," I thought - "This is like Falcon Crest."
At night I swear I could feel the vibration of the rattle snakes tongue writhing in the cool Sonoma Valley air while they sense and track the field mice running foolishly out in the open - soaked by the radiant light of the full moon - I swear I could feel it all - The silence was so stimulating to me that I couldn't sleep and drew a long bath through the night
In 1911, Albert Farr, a well-known San Francisco architect, began to collaborate with the London's on an American rustic home, which would someday house their unique collections. The home they began building shortly thereafter was huge: 86 feet long with two 82-foot wings. The house was U-shaped and built around an open court that measured 45 feet by 58 feet. In the center of the court was a 15 foot by 40-foot pool, spring fed and stocked with black bass and trout. A guest could expect to be invited to catch his own meal from the pool. The five-foot wide gardens surrounding the pool were the only formal gardens on the ranch grounds.
It was the burning of "Wolf House" that led to the early death of Jack at the age of 40. He had written over 40 novels and 2,000, shorts stories and news paper articles during his literary lifetime. That spark of life, the awareness of conciseness that kept his dreams alive and lead him on with an inner light has been dimmed and no longer is he the "Flaming Comet"; and so as of November 22, 1914, he writes no longer.

Mr. Hurwitz was hired by the Courson family in 1991 to represent them locally on issues dealing with The Doors and the partnerships. Another attorney, Ms. Roberta Cairney, was already representing the Coursons on intellectual property matters. Mr. Hurwitz answered questions related to business deals such as licensing, contracts, merchandising, proposals, and commercial offers in which he represented the Courson interest.
Rear Admiral Morrison arrived during the morning break from 11:00 to 11:25, and was expected to testify later today. Just before the lunch break at noon, a tall young man took a seat in the courtroom. When court resumed at 1:40 p.m., he was with the Morrison family: Rear Admiral Morrison, Anne, and Anne's daughter, Tristin. I spoke to him later during the afternoon break (2:55 to 3:20), and learned that he is Anne's son and Tristin's brother, Sefton.

Chris Dowd (on right -my old Marquette University mate who moved to San Francisco w/ our other friend from Marquette University Lake Grey)
John French (age 27 = a heavier version in between when I was younger and now).
Oh, yeah, and I was spending so much time in Atlanta that I became a fan of the Braves and, of course, I always liked Howard Finster and Coca-Cola so when I saw this t-shirt
@ the world headquarters of The Coca-Cola Company = it was a no-brainer ...

Chris Dowd (on right -my old Marquette University mate who moved to San Francisco w/ our other friend from Marquette University Lake Grey)
John French (age 27 = a heavier version in between when I was younger and now).
Oh, yeah, and I was spending so much time in Atlanta that I became a fan of the Braves and, of course, I always liked Howard Finster and Coca-Cola so when I saw this t-shirt
@ the world headquarters of The Coca-Cola Company = it was a no-brainer ...

Mrs. John French - San Francisco, California

Under the "California Roof" such a fun time talking & laughing and taking in the sun drenched, beautifully refreshing Kenwood Inn and Spa of Sonoma California

@ Kenwood Inn & Spa
Sonoma California

Sonoma California

And, she's a Tri-"Delt"
The Museum was built by Charmian London in 1919 after Jack London's death in 1916. Charmian called it "The House with Happy Walls" and it was designed to be a museum as well as a home for Charmian. She lived in the house from 1934 until 1945. Today, it serves as a museum and a small gift shop.
The museum is a two-story building. Items on display a scale model of the Snark, a complete set of first-edition books by Jack London, Charmian's Steinway piano, many of the items Jack and Charmian brought back from their travels around the world, and several displays depicting the life and adventures of Jack London
View from Pacific Heights
This home looks similar to a French gothic home in Pittsburgh, PA owned by a lengendary NHL Star but yet this home is in Pacific Heights in the city of San Francisco
John French in front of a house on Russian Hill in San Francisco, CA author Jack Kerouac (1922-1969 - original name Jean-Luis Lebris de Kerouac) - called home -

The museum is a two-story building. Items on display a scale model of the Snark, a complete set of first-edition books by Jack London, Charmian's Steinway piano, many of the items Jack and Charmian brought back from their travels around the world, and several displays depicting the life and adventures of Jack London
The house was built at a cost of $ 80,000 1910 dollars. " Wolf House " was named in honor of his early experiences in the gold fields of the Yukon Territory, Canada. It was to be a monument to his life and his great "Log Cabin" in the sky. On the evening before he and his wife Charmian were to move into this magnificent structure it was set on fire by unknown persons.
The structure's foundation was one piece of solid concrete designed to be earthquake proof. If the ground were rocked, Wolf house would shift intact. The foundation was engineered of sufficient strength to support a forty-story skyscraper. As London once stated, "My house will be standing, Act of God permitting, for a thousand years."

Best of California Roses,
John French
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