A Palestinian-American student participates in an anti-Mubarak protest rally organized by the Egyptian Association for Change in the U.S. (EAC-USA) in front of the White House in Washington January 28, 2011. The United States increased pressure on... View Photo »
... to start political reforms, because the people want to have a voice and to be able to express their opinion.
Best of the Roses,
gianni french
New Media Madness: an everyday art
P.S. I am sure people like Tom Cruise, Bill O'Reilly and anyone from that band Creed wanted to beat up a Blogger. In fact, here in America ... in L.A. a celebrity did punch Perez Hilton. Hell, (I don't consider myself a Blogger: this is an everyday art project for me), but I'm sure there are people who would like to beat-me-up and just tear me to pieces for blogging or whateevr it is I do here in the realms of the new everyday media ... And, I can say, F$CK 'EM. (People have tried to discourage me ... and tell me it can't be done, yawn = F ...) ... Yet, well, in Egypt if you use "online activism" and are even just an everyday media figure at all = you are being watched and may very well be taken into the street and beaten and left for dead ... Yes, that has happened. That's excercised and thought of as "OK" ... sure, in our U.S. Blues we've set-up and busted the Grateful Dead, put Mick Jagger on the "enemy list" for wearing an Uncle Sam Hat on a big U.S. tour for the Rolling Stones, and four unarmed student protestors shot dead by soldiers in OHIO at Kent State University ... but, hey, they were dirty hippie counter culture types so, it's OK, huh? At any rate, the June murder of Khaled Saheed who was dragged into the street from an Internet cafe` and beaten to death for posting a video of police corruption = yeah, that's a little creepy.