Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Legacy of the Grateful Dead???

The interviewer asked me, "what is the Grateful Dead's legacy?" And I gave a simple honest answer last April , "it's still being created ... They got so much going on still. Plus people are still interpreting the music and iconic pop worth that has influenced & still influences the fabric of our cultural tapestry." That didn't make it in this clip:

my interview with The Endless Tour Project re: 95 Pittsburgh show at 3 Rivers Stadium one of the shows Pittsburgh's own Rusted Root was opening for The Grateful Dead on that last tour
John Conte remembers rain pouring down during the Grateful Dead's final Pittsburgh performance in 1995 as part of the Endless Tour Project. www.endlesstourpr...

Best of the Roses, John

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Headline News: from These Americana Blues in 2005 to in 2015

at this point in 2005 writing the poems for "These Americana Blues" for MyStrawHat and TheNewEverydayMedia was when I started formulating the BIGnewEverydayMedia concept into real life, real time = this poem "Headline News" gave birth to my next "everyday" ‪#‎everyday‬ projects and then to "new media" ‪#‎newmedia‬ projects and then to "everyday new media" ‪#‎everydaynewmedia‬ (and a decade ago bought the domain name to use with

Headline News 
it was the worst flood in the city's history
a devastating act of mother nature
and he couldn't cover it
he was stuck.
roads were shut down.
- flashing lights; no answers
"keep it moving!"
a block away and on this very day
a cult leader had 22 babies -
he claimed he was about to kill
if he didn't get his way.
the fanatical leader felt he needed to
decree that all cell phones be smashed
- as they were jamming his transmission -
he couldn't reach the mother ship and
holding the babies for captive was 
all he could - all he could to focus
the 33 year old newscaster sniffed it out
as he was a block or two away 
and was on the scene in no time
- there to capture this live.
and it was the flood of biblical proportions
and one of the fanatical spaceship cults
which occupied my headline news
- live from today - these americana blues