Thursday, July 4, 2013

Renée Herlocker celebrates the 4th in the most delicious way...

Renée Herlocker@reneeherlocker celebrates the 4th in the most delicious way ...

She covers competitive eater Joey “Jaws” Chestnut break his own record on Thursday, July 4th 2013 scarfing—wait for it—69 hot dogs in a row to win his 7th straight Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest on ESPN.

The annual competition on Brooklyn’s Coney Island is a major event in the competitive eating world, and with six championships already under his Mustard Belt, Chestnut is considered the Michael Jordan of the sport.

Chestnut ate 67 links last year, but cleared his own record by two kosher dogs on this July 4th.
Experts, such as they are, estimate Chestnut would gain approximately eight pounds during the competition. More, by the numbers:

Mediaite immediately following this event and world record had a nice piece up on its site within nanoseconds which includes not only info found here in #theneweverydaymedia but also video of the thrilling final moments ... Watch it here on its site, via Fox:

If you want to watch the whole thing live including Renée Herlocker @reneeherlocker interview the world wide champ Joey Chestnut ESPN is rebroadcasting it at 7p tonight and ESPN2 has it on at 5p later this afternoon = your 4th of July 2013

Best of the Roses,
john alan conte jr.
the new everyday media

BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (featuring original poetry & top hottest of new everyday media 2014)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Why Shut Down Your FaceBook to the Public = Because of Creepy People like This? ..

Hitherto (a fancy word for until now I like to use to eliminate having to type until now when I can just say hitherto) .. I had everything on facebook as a public profile in an effort to promote #neweverydaymedia projects via social media channels
while I continue creating them for my website & my blog

However, it is really creepy when more than one person mentions they have friended me and I won't confirm them but, hey, they don't really care because my profile is open and they can view whatever I post anyway. ... (ha, & they sure do = creepy). And, when people you don't really know all that well or at all and, are not friends with on facebook, mention things you've posted, it's kinda weird. I know many people are just figuring all this "social media" #neweverydaymedia all out and it's hard because it changes so quickly and it's all pretty new. ..

... I'm confident with the penetration within social media I've done and have shutdown my facebook profile to the public.

So here's to you my friends. ..Moving forward I will only be sharing facebook posts with you!

Best of the Roses (but not rose colored glasses), your friend, John #BIGnewEdayMedia comingsoon

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Sunday Any Year

Summer Sunday Any Year

So many standard features haven’t gone according to plan

However today may have been different or a coincidence

Against the deep blue morning summer sky green leaves

And buzzing bumble bees on top of the flowers of tall trees

In the wind through an open window of the old church music

Hits his consciousness and he is familiar with the tune and

Conjured feelings of relaxation in surrendering your heart to

Higher degrees of living knowledge and pure love to heal minds,

Hands, intent of a sinner or someone flirting with the devil’s path

An older man bald at the top of his head revealing patchy sun spots

Weathered like the shell of a snapping turtle moving slowly in the sun

His long lean suited legs climb the steps and he pulls open the red doors

The man’s attitude exudes the mission of service to the Lord this day

As morning shows promise of an unraveled great afternoon, life is only

Percolating yet in this sleepy valley with waking stirs, shaking dreams

With a television broadcasting the refreshing perkiness of the new anchor

In homes and businesses offering coffee, French toast, pork sausage & eggs

Outside the church in the brick side street there’s no smell of breakfasts

Just the smell of a new day cleansed by the summer night’s stormy rains

The music continues to play striking notes & chords opening my heart with

Nostalgic wantonness rooted in rusted memory of a father’s unconditional love

Summer Sunday any year, I guess I like it fine, so far – lingering long on the street


Written Sunday Morning June 30, 2013 by John Alan Conte Jr.


the new everyday media


#BIGnewEdayMedia (coming soon)