Thursday, April 22, 2010

Old Man Crow

--- On Wed, 4/21/10, mosshead7. <mosshead7@> wrote:

From: mosshead7@ <mosshead7>
Subject: Old Man Crow
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 8:37 AM

Old man Crow was the nastiest man when it came to throwing money down
Old man Crow was the happiest man when it came to other men buying rounds
Up above the river in those fruitful fertile hills he worked the earth at the Penna Clay Co
Baking those bricks for cities needing built up - those roads to homes built for show
Oh, Old Man Crow w/ the muddy oil in his veins and eyes of coal many women tried to mine died rockin' on the front porch of his cabin many said he lived mighty fine
Old Man Crow - feel him in your soul when you're hiking those back woods where the water falls and life begins

Best of Crow's Run Roses
written TODAY

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Everybody wants to know

--- On Tue, 4/20/10, mosshead7@; wrote:

From: mosshead7;
Subject: Everybody wants to know

Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010, 8:23 AM

Everybody just wants to know that they're alright

It's okay to look at the stars
And leave a sad life
The home you know is just
A mile or two away
You can throw a stone
It's the one w/ the light on

Everybody just wants to know that they're alright

It's okay to be happy
But actually do you deserve it
Are you alright
Should you stay away -caught
Throwing stones at glass houses
Trying to turn out the light

Everybody just wants to know that they're alright

How many degrees does it take for you to be able tell me I'm alright
You're alright w/ me -just smile

Best of the Roses,
Gianni French