----- Forwarded Message ----
From: John French <mosshead7@yahoo.com>
To: redeye@foxnews.com
Sent: Thu, December 9, 2010 8:03:59 AM
Subject: today's Jim Morrison story: Pardon Me But,
From: John French <mosshead7@yahoo.com>
To: redeye@foxnews.com
Sent: Thu, December 9, 2010 8:03:59 AM
Subject: today's Jim Morrison story: Pardon Me But,
On today's Jim Morrison story.
Pardon me, but,
I don't trust Patricia Morrison and, I don't know, it's not like she has a monopoly on the bottled-up essence of Jim Morrison. She seems desperate "to know Jim like no other" ... Would he still be w/ her? (maybe that's why he dies in Paris w/ Pamela Susan in an upstairs aprtment ... Pamela following a few years later ... passing on to the other side of morning) ...
Best of Rusted Roses,
John French
the new everyday media
P.S. if you're not in the know w/ this new NEWS on Jim Morrison, CNN's American Morning just did a piece on the State of FLA deciding whether to pardon Jim Morrison or not for the notorious Miami show