Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy to Be YOU??? You Are Your Own Brand & Everyday Is a Stage = Here's How to Get Focused on Marketing You (No Matter Your $Budget or $Time)

 UpSearch SocialMedia @UpSearchSocial:
"A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is - it is what consumers tell each other it is." ~Scott Cook

Above is exactly what a local TV news director named Dick (no kidding) could not get while I was in infancy w/ my NewEdayMedia projects... #Unabashed I kept trucking on. ..

This is a great article not only for someone in but for most things in life
"Theories get you thinking. Sweat get you results."

Today's Marketing "Fortune Cookie" is about the difference between the real and the ideal.
Most people are idealistic creatures. We hold an utopian image of what should or shouldn't be for our world, our family, our friends, our possessions and ourselves. Anything short of that image, is imperfect and unacceptable. We think our government is too liberal, or maybe it's too conservative. Our coworkers are too serious, or not serious enough. We should have zero percent body fat, or we think we're too skinny. We either dye our hair blonde, black or red, or some of us wish we had hair at all. We think we're too short, or we wish we weren't so tall. For most people, whatever we have and whatever we are, is not ideal.

The same thing happens in marketing. Idealistically, we will have enough time and money to conduct exhaustive market research, which will spell out in no uncertain terms, exactly what we should do with our marketing. In this ideal world, we would have three months to prepare a perfect marketing plan, the perfect messaging and six months to get the creative just right. We'd also have an unlimited budget to put all of this into play and if this were the case, you'd probably do pretty well with the campaign.

The reality in most marketing campaigns is, we don't have unlimited time or money. In fact, it's more likely that time is cut short and budgets are trimmed even shorter. There's no time for formal research. There's very little time for planning, and even less time to build it. We lift off, start flying and make course corrections and campaign optimizations from the air. We use brute force to push the flywheel, we rely on our experience to pull the right levers, and while the idealists are still developing theories, we're out of the starting gate with a head start.

Even if the idealists had their way and could develop a perfect marketing plan, there's no promise that it will actually work. Oh sure, ideally their marketing video will go viral and make Psy's "Gangnam Style" video look like child's play, but that's more likely to happen by accident. They may plan for every one of their Tweets to trend for two days on Twitter, and for their Facebook page to grow to 100 million likes over night, but it probably won't happen as planned.

At the end of the day, a great idea put into play, trumps a good theory that's still under review in the board room. If you can stomach the risk of imperfection, and are willing to make refinements as you go, you may find you've got the right stuff for a career in marketing. It won't be easy and it won't be ideal, but if you are willing to do the work, it will be as today's fortune says, "Theories get you thinking. Sweat get you results."

The reality in most marketing campaigns is, we don't have unlimited time or money.

John Lennon famously stated, “life’s what happens while you’re busy making plans” …

Best of the Roses,
john alan conte jr.
the new everyday media

BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (featuring original poetry & top hottest of new everyday media 2014)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to Get David Meerman Scott – Marketing Speaker & Leadership Speaker & Author of Number #1 bestseller to Mention You in a Post When He Just Posted, “Sadly, nearly all of the pitches I get are just plain spam.” ...

How to get Marketing Speaker David Meerman ScottMarketing Speaker & Leadership Speaker & Author of Number #1 bestseller -The new rules of marketing & PR with over 250,000 copies in print in more than 25 languages- to Mention You in a Post When He Just Posted, “Sadly, nearly all of the pitches I get are just plain spam.” ...
I now feel like I am such a grateful #dead #rockstar to have a #business #marketing #guru like David Meerman Scott mention me in one of his recent posts = especially from Milan, Italy today.

How to when he says it's rare and he most likely won't. ..

Cranking the Grateful Dead at the soundcheck before my masterclass in Milan today #dmscottinmilan              

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What does a deal with Rosetta Stone®, the world's best language-learning software, mean for Google Glass sales?

Watching Diana Falzone’s BreakTime! Is Google Glass half empty? We examine the pros and cons of this gizmo” and reading an article this weekend called "Beliefs about Language Learning: Current Knowledge, Pedagogical Implications and New Research Directions" got my wheels spinning like the parade of vehicles that was the Grateful Dead from Pittsburgh, PA “trucking up to Buffalo.”
                                               Diana Falzone rocking Google Glass in studio

According to Business Insider (about 1 hour ago)
Most People Think Google Glass Is Going To Flop

Tech pundits are still weighing in on Google's computerized glasses, Google Glass.

But getting a free version of a new gadget, or being rich enough that you can plunk down $1,500 for one, is very different from actually choosing to buy one as a normal person.

And that, for any new gadget, is where the rubber meets the road.

However, I say, look at iphone. It has revolutionized everyday communications in a way I’m sure big old Ma Bell was to weighed down to foresee let alone dream to release and manage.

Where does a savvy director of business development and poet dream about crossroads that will further revolutionize not only business but education too?!

One must not try to argue an upfront valuable point in Beliefs about Language Learning: Current Knowledge, Pedagogical Implications and New Research Directions. Yes. Sometimes the truth stings but almost always the first steps of change are quite painful and met with overwhelming resistance --- Just in the first paragraph alone it states that the current methods of learning have become stagnant.


Now listen to Perillo Tours family member and CEO

Welcome to Perillo's Italy
I'll never forget my first impressions of Italy as an 11 year old boy. Majestic cathedrals. Buzzing motorbikes. I've gone back a hundred times, sometimes for work, sometimes for play, but always for what really makes Italy travel great - the reawakening of your senses.Thank you for your interest in our legendary tours and I look forward to seeing you in Italy!
                                                   Milan, Italy

OK, now imagine this 11 year old boy with Google Glass.

The learning capabilities at that age matched with gripping engaging, dynamic technology inside an everyday device such as Goggle Glass and paired up with Rosetta Stone® would occur so seamlessly that this 11 year old boy wouldn’t even realize he’s learning stuff!

In fact, in this scenario I’m painting for you I would go so far as to predict this little 11 year old going back to his dreamy dreadful suburban school district from his Perillo tour of Italy with Rosetta Stone® integrated into Google Glass his director of business development father and CPA mother bought him and he being so far advanced compared to his peers that a scandal erupts about the boy cheating in his Italian and social studies classes because of his effortless good grades.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
And, moreover, to further that, if Diana Falzone is programmed into the Google Glass featuring Rosetta Stone® "real" real-time online learning as my emissary = well, I'll pay $2, 500.00. No big deal. ..

Cheers! (with a glass half full).
Best of the Roses,
john alan conte jr.
the new everyday media

BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (featuring original poetry & top hottest of new everyday media 2014)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Metaphor of the sun and Platonic doctrine of recollection

Metaphor of the sun

In The Republic (507b-509c) Plato's Socrates uses the sun as a metaphor for the source of "intellectual illumination," which he held to be The Form of the Good. The metaphor is about the nature of ultimate reality and how we come to know it. It starts with the eye, which Socrates says is unusual among the sense organs in that it needs a medium, namely light, in order to operate. The strongest and best source of light is the sun; with it, we can discern objects clearly. Analogously for intelligible objects The Form of the Good is necessary in order to understand any particular thing. Thus, if we attempt to understand why things are as they are, and what general categories can be used to understand various particulars around us, without reference to any forms (universals) we will fail completely. By contrast, "the domain where truth and reality shine resplendent" is none other than Plato's world of forms—illuminated by the highest of the forms, that of the Good.

Platonic doctrine of recollection

The Platonic doctrine of recollection or anamnesis, is the idea that we are born possessing all knowledge and our realization of that knowledge is contingent on our discovery of it. Whether the doctrine should be taken literally or not is a subject of debate. The soul is trapped in the body. The soul once lived in "Reality", but got trapped in the body. It once knew everything, but forgot it. The goal of Recollection is to get back to true Knowledge. To do this, one must overcome the body. This doctrine implies that nothing is ever learned, it is simply recalled or remembered. In short it says that all that we know already comes pre-loaded on birth and our senses enable us to identify and recognize the stratified information in our mind.

Platonic epistemology holds that knowledge is innate, so that learning is the development of ideas buried deep in the soul, often under the midwife-like guidance of an interrogator. In several dialogues by Plato, Socrates presents the view that each soul existed before birth with the Form of the Good and a perfect knowledge of everything. Thus, when something is "learned" it is actually just "recalled."
Plato drew a sharp distinction between knowledge, which is certain, and mere opinion, which is not certain. Opinions derive from the shifting world of sensation; knowledge derives from the world of timeless forms, or essences. In The Republic, these concepts were illustrated using the metaphor of the sun, the analogy of the divided line, and the allegory of the cave.

Best of the Roses,
john alan conte jr.
the new everyday media

BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (featuring original poetry & top hottest of new everyday media 2014)

Beliefs about Language Learning: Current Knowledge, Pedagogical Implications and New Research Directions

This paper argues that, while research on learner beliefs about language learning so far has provided us with valuable insights, it has stagnated, investigating which beliefs are fundamental to the exclusion of other important factors. The question central to this paper is what shapes learner beliefs? Despite what we know about beliefs, we have very little knowledge about the psychological mechanisms involved in creating, shaping and guiding these beliefs, which are byproducts of a number of internal as well as external factors.

The Nature and Origin of Beliefs

 Terms such as knowledge and beliefs are treated differently within the research
community, depending on varying theoretical orientations. Early psychological studies
into learner perceptions and beliefs about learning "opened a whole new Aladdin's cave of personal beliefs, myths, understandings, and superstitions as they were revealed by the persons' thoughts and feelings about their learning" (Thomas & Harri-Augustein, 1983, p. 338). They concluded that beliefs about learner capacity and personal models of their own processes were more central to understanding the individuals' learning performances than universally accepted theories of learning; these personal "myths" explained more about individual differences in learning than such psychometric measures as intelligence or aptitude (Thomas & Harri-Augustein, 1983).
In cognitive psychology, learner beliefs about the nature of knowledge and learning, or epistemological beliefs, have been investigated with the idea that they are part of the underlying mechanisms of metacognition (Flavell, 1987; Ryan, 1984), form the building blocks of epistemology (Goldman, 1986), and are a driving force in intellectual performance. Psychologists have begun to acknowledge the pervasive influence of personal and social epistemologies on academic learning, thinking, reasoning, and problem solving (Schommer, 1993), persistence (Dweck & Leggett, 1988), and interpretation of information (Ryan, 1984; Schommer, 1990).

From this perspective, beliefs about language learning are viewed as a component of
metacognitive knowledge (Flavell, 1987), which include all that individuals understand about themselves as learners and thinkers, including their goals and needs. Flavell (1979, 1981) emphasizes the study of meta-cognitive knowledge in second language learning and focuses on the person. He calls this "person knowledge." Person knowledge is knowledge learners have acquired about how cognitive and affective factors such as learner aptitude, personality, and motivation may influence learning. In addition, it includes specific knowledge about how the above factors apply in their experience. For example, is it the learners' belief that they do, or do not, have an aptitude for learning another language or, that their particular type of personality will inhibit or facilitate language learning (Wenden, 2001)?
Beliefs have also been said to "act as very strong filters of reality" (Arnold, 1999, p. 256).Interdisciplinary research suggests that learner beliefs about learning are intertwined
with factors such as self-concept and identity, self-efficacy, person
ality, and other
individual differences (Epstein, 1990). For example, students may be directly influenced
by their perception of success in learning and levels of expectancy (Yang, 1999; White,
1999; Bernat, 2004)--with realistically high helping to build confidence, and low (or
unrealistically high) expectations helping to build incompetence (Puchta, 1999). Truitt
(1995) discusses expectancy (based on Pintrich & DeGroot's (1990) concept) as
students' beliefs about their abilities and responsibilities to perform tasks. Values are
considered by Pintrich and DeGroot to be related to students' goals and beliefs about
the relative importance and interest of the task. Truitt (1995) further addresses selfefficacy as beliefs about ability, similar to expectancy.
Read full article here
Best of the Roses,
john alan conte jr.
the new everyday media

BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (featuring original poetry & top hottest of new everyday media 2014)