Friday, July 12, 2013

How to Detect the #TheGoodStuff ?! .. What TV Station Managers Have Been Hiding from You for Years!!

Things are finally changing a bit in regards to TV local NEWS station managers refusing to inspire the public with ‪#‎TheGoodStuff‬ and only spoonfeeding the ‪#‎badstuff‬ adhering to the "low hanging fruit" production of "if it bleeds, it leads" (and that would be OK if they also reported on ‪#‎everyday‬ solutions to counter)

New Day @NewDay:
‪#‎Goodstuff‬ is important! @ChrisCuomo MT @uriahelisabitch @NewDay on CNN always makes me smile. It seems like they always report good news

my ‪#‎tweet‬ below here to CNN's ‪#‎NewDay‬ was ‪#‎favorited‬ by them just now regarding ‪#‎KDHeather‬ delivering ‪#‎TheGoodSutff‬ on the ‪#‎airwaves‬ w/ this amazing story:

@KDKAHeather @NewDay hey #NewDay I dig your new show & appreciate bold move you're doing w/ ‪#‎TheGoodStuff‬ which #KDHeather illustrates here!

Best of the Roses,
john alan conte jr.
the new everyday media

BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (featuring original poetry & top hottest of new everyday media 2014)

 I'll give you

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