John French
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 04:56:57 -0700 (PDT)From: John French
Julie Chen and Maggie Rodriguez for a Thursday inside the studios of the Early Show 5/29/08 hot = A+++ +++ (+++)
Marvelous Maggie Rodriguez is smoking hot for this early morn = A+++ +++ (+)
Julie Chen is so so so smoking red HOT = A+++ +++ (++)
... so smoking red HOT = if women of the new everyday media were blades of grass in the sunny sunshine in the echoing green of central park, i'd gently finger them while lying on the cool, deep, meaty bed of earth
Best of the Roses, John French mystrawhat.com
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 04:20:03 -0700 (PDT)From: John French
I was scanning Gawker for any reporting on RYan Adams and saw read about a steady shake-up w/ producers on the Early Show.
Well, whatever happens I hope to see more of Julie Chen. Julie is a bright and brilliant star. And, I also believe she is a great team player w/ a great team around her in marvelous Maggie, dynamic Dave, handsome Harry and righteous Russ.
The Early Show has an amazing history = for the Early Show Saturday had Rusted Root on it.
Best of Organic Roses, Giovanni French mystrawhat.com http://theneweverydaymedia.blogspot.com/
John French wrote:
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 04:45:10 -0700 (PDT)From: John FrenchSubject: training monkeys to feed themselves w/ a robotic arm = amazing hope for humans w/ paralysisTo: friends@foxnews.com, redeye@foxnews.comCC: today@nbc.com, robin&company@cnn.com, am@cnn.com, 360@cnn.com, squawk@cnbc.com
dear brian and gutfeld, i know how fascinated you are w/ both monkeys and robots, well, on the early show:
training monkeys to feed themselves w/ a robotic arm = amazing hope for humans w/ paralysis
array of electrodes half the size of thumb tacks on outside of brains
teach to do in 3 to 4 days
about 2 - 3 years away from implementing on humans
marvelous maggie rodriguez interviewed dr. andrew schwartz sr. researcher at upmc in pittsburgh, pa. inside the studios of the early show 5/29/08
p.s. maggie looked hot = A+++ +++ (+)
p.s.s. if marvelous women of the new everyday media were blades of grass in the sunny sunshine in the echoing green of central park, i'd gently finger them while lying on the cool, deep, meaty bed of earth
Best of Organic Roses,Giovanni French mystrawhat.com http://theneweverydaymedia.blogspot.com/
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 04:45:10 -0700 (PDT)From: John French
dear brian and gutfeld, i know how fascinated you are w/ both monkeys and robots, well, on the early show:
training monkeys to feed themselves w/ a robotic arm = amazing hope for humans w/ paralysis
array of electrodes half the size of thumb tacks on outside of brains
teach to do in 3 to 4 days
about 2 - 3 years away from implementing on humans
marvelous maggie rodriguez interviewed dr. andrew schwartz sr. researcher at upmc in pittsburgh, pa. inside the studios of the early show 5/29/08
p.s. maggie looked hot = A+++ +++ (+)
p.s.s. if marvelous women of the new everyday media were blades of grass in the sunny sunshine in the echoing green of central park, i'd gently finger them while lying on the cool, deep, meaty bed of earth
Best of Organic Roses,Giovanni French mystrawhat.com http://theneweverydaymedia.blogspot.com/
John French wrote:
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 05:08:46 -0700 (PDT)From: John FrenchSubject: ...you got my "attention, " Alisyn Camerota...To: friends@foxnews.com
... so smoking red HOT = if women of the new everyday media were blades of grass in the sunny sunshine in the echoing green of central park, i'd gently finger them while lying on the cool, deep, meaty bed of earth
Best of Organic Roses, Giovanni French
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 05:08:46 -0700 (PDT)From: John French
... so smoking red HOT = if women of the new everyday media were blades of grass in the sunny sunshine in the echoing green of central park, i'd gently finger them while lying on the cool, deep, meaty bed of earth
Best of Organic Roses, Giovanni French
The photo of Heidi Collins made me laugh. It looks like her name is MEMOIR BOMBSHELL. That would be a great name for a newsreader.
VERONICA DE LA CRUZ = WOW!!!!!! HOT... But what's with her Hispanic name? Looks completely Chinese to me. Chinanic?
God those women are so hot. Read me the news, baby.
Robin Meade will always be my fav, but I think They're all HOTT. Got here surfin' on Rebecca Jarvis. Eric.
Is Alisyn Camerota pregnant?
In a profile shot she seemed a bit plump around her midsection w/ slightly larger breasts.
It was difficult to tell cuz' I couldn't take my eyes off her skimpy skirt that was rockin' her GORGEOUS gams!!
She was seated in a chair and not behind a desk, there was lots of long lingering full length camera shots of her luscious legs, what a treat for Aly's fans.
Her devilish grin & come hither gleam in her eyes hinted that Aly enjoys "leggy" foreplay.
She knew she was putting on an awesome leg show and it was obvious she was getting turned on.
She's hot, she knows it and she works it!!!
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