winner of The New Everyday Media's
"Best of the Roses" for the 1st quarter 2008

Megyn Kelly is so very punk rock = A+++ +++ +++ +++

Megyn Kelly

If you've ever watched her run "Kelly's Court" on Americas Newsroom it's evident that her skills as an attorney are razor sharp and she performs like a compelling orator.
In fact, the other evening Megyn and Lis Wiehl were on the Factor w/ Bill O'Reilly and she so passionately argued her side that she had me going, "holy shit - look at her go - she is truly fired-up but yet keeping her composure enough not to look like some nut-case" and actually making me raise my eyebrows in a cut-off-guard surprise. I almost felt bad for Lis Wiehl but like true sportsmen they acknowledged each other in a friendly manner at the end.
Best of White Roses, Giovanni French
1 comment:
You have done an outstanding job of giving Megyn Kelly the credit she so richly deserves. I really like the words you use to describe this incredible lady, elegance, beauty, intelligence and profesessionalism.
The words I use to describe Megyn are talented and gorgeous and the phrase I use to tell people how much I think of her is as follows. Megyn Kelly is on a plateau above all the other female news anchors outshining them all. Great job describing a beautiful lady.
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