You are right again, sir! Julie Banderas was indeed smoking-red-hot this early, early a.m. when Red Eye aired for a Thursday, April 24, 2008.
In the same token, Red Eye was smokin' again, as usual, as it does everyday...
Your mother was a pistol last night and such sarcasm was shooting out of her mouth! And, really, it's endearingly awesome how she sticks-up for Bill Schulz - (even though he's crazy and last night was like a crazy, narcissistic teenager - the way he kept inserting, "me!" into any opening he could find).
It's a real treat when Andy Levy sits at the "big boy table" w/ you & Bill and whatever Hotties you have on tap (sometimes, unfortunately, that tap has some stale shit though -but, fortunately, not all that frequent,). Yeah, so whoever fills-in for Andy while he's at the big-boy-table I just may automatically like because it takes him out of the basement for his two slotted appearances --- however indeedly so that Dan from Maxim was rather good.
And, speaking of good, your past couple "drawings of the NEWS" featuring Unicorn Jones have been really good!
The Unicorn Jones "before and after" entering Yale was good!
And, your Unicorn as a head polygamist w/ 16 wives was great~!!!
When I saw it, I laughed-out so loud that I woke-up my wife.
(even though I agree w/ Andy Levy and there's nothing funny about that story)

4/24: Here's what Unicorn Jones looked like before he entered Yale as an incoming freshman and how he looked after just two semesters. He went from a vibrant, muscular unicorn/Pegasus creature to an angry fat feminist with ankles the size of tree trunks
- Art imitates life: Yale Pulls Student's 'Abortion Art' Project From Exhibit Opening

4/24: Greg recreates when Unicorn Jones ran his own polygamy compound, where he had 16 wives. He was later excommunicated when it was found out that unicorns are mythical woodland creatures and cannot bear human children
• Art imitates life: DNA Testing of Polygamist Sect Children Completed
Lastly, Kevin Sorbo was a good guest. What he said about our national security took balls for him to say for risk of being ostracized by his community-at-large.
Kevin seems like a good guy. His charity is a great thing and well needed for today and our future ---

Best of the Roses, John French mystrawhat.com myspace.com/mosshead7
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