Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cold Sunshine = a new original by me

Cold sunshine rough draft 

Frantically attacking the dark she was
Trying to find one patch of sunshine

Desperate she was a pale grey once 
Yellow jaundice like & before that blotchy 
Veiny red large with superfluous flesh. 

Desperate as the house that
Lost its heat in old man's winter grasp 
Being relentlessly karmic as she lost
Her mind in deviant malicious trouble
And the only thread of logic left was's straw-hat & snowed_

in & that
Village snow-globe, sunshine, heat = fire

written March 27 2014 by
John Alan Conte Jr poet / marketer
Percolating poem ever since last week when WTAE morn weather guy said these 2 dichotic words together to describe the day (true recent story how snow-globe & sunshine + straw-hat = fire) 0001 "does life imitate art or art imitate life" ...

So if you were about to launch BIGnewEdayMedia2014 on featuring 25Top Hottest women of #newmedia + original poetry = what women would you celebrate???!!! ...

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