Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Andrea Tantaros, Dana Perino or Kimberly Guilfoyle: the perfect Valentine's French white tulips via Gianni French & New Media Matters?

From: "French77@o^"
Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 5:31 PM
Subject: Andrea, Dana or Kimberly: the perfect Valentine's French white tulips via John French & New Media Matters?

Greg @greggutfeld, wink @DanaPerino, blink twice @AndreaTantaros and kick Kimberly @kimguilfoyle to vote for one of them and the French white tulips ...

Follow me on twitter @NewEdayMedia

Where today I remind MarcLaMontHill and one of his rapper friends of Thomas Jefferson's 1st draft of the Declaration of Independence
Tell Bill Mayer that yes as I heard on via Steve "the Dooce" Doocy DoanldTrump is suing him now just like he is also currently suing Pixburgh's Mac Miller and that MissPA.
Since I'm such a geek I answer @LATimes ques. "Should Yoda get his own StarWars spinoff"
reply to Reuters
Reuters @reuters Gee, Democratic lawmakers introducing legislation to decriminalize reefer ???!!! Ah, man, I wanted it to be Republicans so they can get out of the dark ages and not be so "10 BILLION years ago" like dinosaurs
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Best of the Roses but not rose colored glasses,
New Media Matters

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