Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Barrette
I was thinking about something I'd probably regret
Everyday weaving the holiday season tapestry
Living the scene we were lit up like a Christmas Tree
Everybody gathering to be seen to see the music at the next show
No matter where you came from or where tomorrow grows
We cross many roads and rivers - going under bended bare trees -
There's snow in the December air not just in the eastern seaboard
But where there's magic you can feel it in the air from the backstage
Musicians to the guys at the door - carrying equipment together -
Drinking a ton of free beer on the house like the night before -
Did you have a chance to see him in the living area upstairs at a
Naked and bruised piano he could easily handle out of tune -
What a star on the Christmas Tree - it looks like him, you & me
Just like the day before New Year's Eve in Chicago along the shore
Looking at the city --- Yeah, all have traveled to get here for the show
Through the magic in the air down hills and roads and under a canopy of
Bare winter trees -passed corners and open fields and tall buildings where
There's always writing on the wall - graffiti and all - we make the magic a
Few people share and see in a girl at a show with a Christmas barrette in her hair
Saturday Morning - December 19, 2009
Best of Christmas Roses,
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Top 75 Hottest Women in the New Everyday Media 2009
--- On Thu, 12/17/09, John French <> wrote:
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Max's Kansas City
Jim Carroll remembered Wiping it off -coke after a foul. The center aisle 1 Mini circus elephant, one Smoking, drinking Chimp Back room upstairs access? I wish I was younger. I hate you. You're younger and That's all I want The massage ended Happy Baby, won't you keep me happy ---(he was waiting. Waiting for Candy Darling)--- Best of & theneweverydaymedia December 5, 2009 |
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
one pay check away
one pay check away
i wish i were in Kentucky bluegrass
chasing my little momma instead
of working my weary bones on this shift
but hey i'm grateful to be a working man
so you won't hear me bitch the blues again
one pay check away
and China will own our asses
that's what i'm told everyday
in the new everyday media
where a vote for Palin likely means
you got that ring around your back
pocket of your Levis - yeah, some
of them in this world so watch yourself
one pay check away
i watch my dreams fade away
one by one like my hair turning gray
one by one i think it all over - "it's
on the rocks today -yeah, Maker's"
i drink it down like the money i make
one pay check away
i'll own my new Ford F150
and it's another day i can kick ass
i'm tired of you putting me down
so i won't let my name down
not anymore i am one paycheck away
from a new tomorrow where i don't borrow
one paycheck away
from the the USA staying a super power
with more baseball diamonds and books
that don't deny there are people who die
and there are people who plan and do kill
that's a fact and if i don't have to borrow
then i ain't bowing down or sayin' sorry
Best of the Roses,
Giovanni French
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
be my everyday
It's all a guess a gamble for so¤me change -
I see the best and brightest they live to be free
And those monster trees that grow
- are apples to apples
if they all go away we won't be able to breathe
For tommorrow never knows
Yeah, tomorrow never knows (3x)
REM is the way we all need to dream
but when it was automatic for the people
it made me want to scream
U 2 did it for a while
then they also found out too late
while they weren't at the guard
even music became all about hate
So best of the roses
Best of the roses (2x)
Everyday at 5 come hear me sing
I'll be singing tonite at the VFW
w/ my new band Random Photo
yeah we'll be taking photos of songs
that celebrate your life -
right or wrong black or gay -
we'll be singing songs about your life
Every day, babe, everyday
You're my everyday, babe
Be my everyday............
(Just written while standing in line at Starbucks on a sunny Monday morn w/ some song in my head I making up as I go along)--- Best of the Roses, Giovanni French & theneweverydaymedia
On Mon, 10/26/09, John French
From: John French
... wow, what a good Monday morning (especially after such a great weekend i had) .... waking up and seeing all the women of the new everyday media looking so smokin' hot ...
Best of the Roses,
Giovanni French
--- On Fri, 10/23/09, John French
From: John French <
Subject: finalizing list of the 2009 Top 75 Hottest Women of the New Everyday Media + PoetryTo: "Chim Chim"
Date: Friday, October 23, 2009, 7:44 AM
Monday, October 12, 2009
Take the Change
he said...
what happened to wilderness
the magnetic bends
everyone is so straight now
no tenderness to lend
she said...
think about tomorrow
you're not too late
give me your heart
i'll give you time to borrow
there's never nothing left
spill your cards on the table
who's reading what game
who's your cosmic dealer
(i'll) take away the change
remember you & me at Christmas
holding hands outside in the cold
doing shots of Maker's Mark bourbon
tongues leaving no question unposed
opening their presents they don't miss us
Best of the Roses,
Giovanni French
Friday, September 18, 2009
i don't even know her name
i spy with my eye a girl and i know she's a spy too because we spies know these kinda things i don't even know her name but i know when i see her it is -but yet- not a game i know this because i know with my eyes that she's on fire and i've never felt any higher she makes me feel like a natural ghost at the best birthday party -i'm invited- and she's host when i see her i see a vision that's coast to coast and my heart sings and brain dances in the middle i don't even know her name i don't even know her name i don't even know her name best of the roses & theneweverydaymedia |
Monday, September 14, 2009
Music Theory: "My Fickle Friend"
Main article: Consonance and Dissonance
Consonance can be roughly defined as harmonies whose tones complement and increase each others' resonance, and dissonance as those which create more complex acoustical interactions (called 'beats'). A simplistic example is that of "pleasant" sounds versus "unpleasant" ones. Another manner of thinking about the relationship regards stability; dissonant harmonies are sometimes considered to be unstable and to "want to move" or "resolve" toward consonance. However, this is not to say that dissonance is undesirable. A composition made entirely of consonant harmonies may be pleasing to the ear and yet boring because there are no instabilities to be resolved.
Melody is often organized so as to interact with changing harmonies (sometimes called a chord progression) that accompany it, setting up consonance and dissonance. The art of melody writing depends heavily upon the choices of tones for their nonharmonic or harmonic character.
"Harmony" as used by music theorists can refer to any kind of simultaneity without a value judgement, in contrast with a more common usage of "in harmony" or "harmonious", which in technical language might be described as consonance.
Main article: Dynamics (music)
In music, dynamics normally refers to the softness or loudness of a sound or note, e.g. pianissimo or fortissimo. Until recently, most of these dynamics and signs were written in Italian, but recently are becoming written or translated into English. However, to every aspect of the execution of a given piece, either stylistic (staccato, legato etc.) or functional (velocity) are also known as dynamics. The term is also applied to the written or printed musical notation used to indicate dynamics.
Main article: Musical texture
Musical texture is the overall sound of a piece of music commonly described according to the number of and relationship between parts or lines of music: monophony, heterophony, polyphony, homophony, or monody. The perceived texture of a piece may also be affected by the timbre of the instruments, the number of instruments used, and the interval between each musical line, among other things.
Monophony is the texture of a melody heard only by itself. If a melody is accompanied by chords, the texture is homophony. In homophony, the melody is usually but not always voiced in the highest notes. A third texture, called polyphony, consists of several simultaneous melodies of equal importance.
Form or structure
Main article: Musical form
Form is a facet of music theory that explores the concept of musical syntax, on a local and global level. The syntax is often explained in terms of phrases and periods (for the local level) or sections or genre (for the global scale). Examples of common forms of Western music include the fugue, the invention, sonata-allegro, canon, strophic, theme and variations, and rondo. Popular Music often makes use of strophic form often in conjunction with Twelve bar blues.
Theories of harmonization
Thursday, September 3, 2009
YouTube - Ryan Adams Interview
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
the Doors were kind to Roby, Ray and John
if there is one band that remains tested tried and true after many many rides into endless night(s). it would be the doors. every single album is perfect and there's not one thing you would want to change. the timeless content is almost still evolving. yet is what it is. like primeval moss. head to the importance of cultural effect and relevancy still on youth and it's like staring at the picaso lithograph which wallace fowlie was given by him for fowlie's dual translation of rimbaud's selected work in which a certain young james douglas morrison voraciously read and reread and wrote fowlie a letter about that is documented in a book fowlie later wrote in his 80's titled rebel as poet: rimbaud and jim morrison.
hey, being compared to jim by wallace fowlie was no and is no easy acceptance - let alone task of personal responsibility that comes w/ a serious statement, meeting and encounter - even this being after hanging out w/ roby and having approval of poetry and i guess way of existence. holy shit, i never did and still do have a hard time taking anyone serious if they have been compared to jim morrison. thank god it doesn't happen but hardly at all.
it wasn't until maybe last summer having bill siddons of the doors who also manages michael glabicki talk w/ me about the living theatre (i was reading a book called the living theatre: art, exile and outrage) and jim at the l.a. house of blues - glabicki telling me the summer or two before in l.a. that bill siddons rarely talks to anyone about jim - that i started to feel not so strange about it all and more famaliar and comfortable w/ myself and my instincts that i always relied on to navigate myself as a young kid that was contagious to be around and had many doors open and yet liked the luxury of sanctuary behind those that were closed.
The diamond shone like broken glass
Upon the midnight street
And all atop the walls were wet
Their white eyes glint & sleek
Then from afar a gnome appeared
An angel flashed on furry feet
The boulevard became a river
While waiting crowds began to quiver
I was in a motel watching
Whiskey in my hand
Her breath was soft, the wind was warm
Someone in a room was born
John French
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
be myself
Monday, August 10, 2009
CBS: "Doing It Early" and Doing It Late

Totally Smokin' = I hope Her Old Man Sure Treats Her Right (I'm Sure He Does = How Could You Not and Her Old Man Seems Pretty First Class)

Julie Chen and Maggie Rodriguez
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
--- On Mon, 8/3/09, John French <> wrote:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
JFK, Bill Clinton, Obama - Nixon, Reagan, Bush: More Proof that Bill Clinton Is a "Rockstar" President Around Our World

Former Vice-President Al Gore embraces former President Bill Clinton (R) after Clinton's arrival with freed U.S. journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee from North Korea in Burbank, California August 5, 2009. Ling, 32, and Lee, 36, American journalists freed by North Korea after months of detention, returned to the United States on Wednesday accompanied by Clinton, who secured their release in a meeting with the reclusive state's leader Kim Jong-il.
Fascinated by Bill Clinton: Bill Clinton is in North Korea = North Korea Negotiating = Wow! This is NEWS!
--- On Tue, 8/4/09, John French <> wrote:
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
wow, unpublishable _ Fw: [My Straw Hat] New comment on NBC's Amy Robach, CNN's Heidi Collins and FNC's Al....
--- On Tue, 8/4/09, John French <> wrote:
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Wind Cries Mary (live 1967)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
from the Entertainment section of the Daily News

“Stereo Rodeo”
(Adrenaline) ✰✰✰✰1⁄2 —
What if a high-profile, platinum-
selling musical group
threw a party and almost
nobody came? Rusted Root
found out in 2002 when
painfully few of even their
most dedicated fans RSVP’d
to “Welcome to My Party,”
their fifth studio release since
the Pittsburgh-born band
burst upon the charts in 1994
with the major-label smash, “When I Woke.” It appeared it
also would be their last when the principals — most notably
guitarist, lead singer and chief songwriter Michael Glabicki,
multi-instrumentalist and harmony singer extrordinaire Liz
Berlin and percussionist Jim Donovan — began peeling away
to follow their individual muses.
As it turns out, however, the party isn’t quite over just yet.
In fact, if “Stereo Rodeo” is any indication, it’s just getting
restarted. Glabicki, Berlin and original bassist Patrick Norman
have reunited to form the core of a reconstituted Root that not
only has ended a seven-year drought, but arguably has crafted
the first truly authentic RR record since the seminal “Send Me
On My Way” soared up the charts — and subsequently onto a
handful of major motion picture soundtracks — a decade and a
half ago.
It takes barely a bar or two of disc-opener “Dance in the
Middle” to realize that they’ve got their tribal groove back,
and they reinforce that notion throughout the remaining 10-
track ride. There is no “Send Me” here, but neither is there
any filler — just gems such as the accurately named “Driving
One” and “Driving Two,” which bookend the Wilco-esque
title tune; the funky “Bad Son”; the folkish “Weary Bones”;
the poignant “Give You the Grace”; and the tour de force
three-headed home stretch of “Animals Love Touch,”
“Garbage Man” and “Crucible Glow,” the latter reminiscent
of an up-tempo “Cruel Sun.” Ironically, perhaps, the most
Root-like moment may be their percussion-driven cover of
“Suspicious Minds,” with Glabicki’s still eclectic but no less
interesting vocal delivery proving to be the perfect anti-Elvis.
Welcome back to the party. (Dave Fennessy)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Courtney Friel's Strawhat

well, Courtney looks HOT everyday anyway ...

.. wow, Courtney Friel looks SO TOTALLY SMOKING RED HOT in her straw hat = A++++++++++++++++++++++++
yeah, her strawhat is moving up on my 75 Top Hottest Women of the New Everyday Media 2009 listing to appear at the end of the summer on = (yeah, there's something about the end of the summer beginning of September when summer's almost gone and you can feel the warm chill and encroachment of Autumn while certain women who catch your eye and nose with such an inviting organic bouquet of noon burned gold into their hair and silky skin dress for September w/ the more seriousness that comes with the start of Fall and yet that wanton hanging onto every bit of summer sun that can be felt in the sky blue sky) ...
Best of Organic Roses,
Giovanni French
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
one of your best albums
Black Magik Blood
your teeth shine in the mirror
puss pimples populate your rear
horror on your death bed face
your soul turned to fate
your green money to rust
your House turned to dust
- black magic blood
- on my hands
best of the Roses, john french
the new everydaymedia
"Riders on the Storm" ...
--- On Mon, 7/27/09, John French <> wrote:
Monday, July 27, 2009
American Morning = CNN's Kiran Chetry

Kiran Chetry w/ my girl Suzanne Malveaux (sigh) ...

Here is Kiran and Carol reporting on Michael Vick's release and the impending decision by the NFL commissioner to let him play football again and earn millions and millions of dollars and have all that fame and power and adoration that comes along with representing the National Football League to millions upon millions of viewers across the globe. These "prized" football players have it all at their fingertips to impact the community and make good to give-back for their blessed position. And, what did Michael Vick do? He participated, perpetuated and further propagated a "death culture" by training innocent devoted loyal animals to kill or be killed - torturing, starving, beating and, well, acting like nothing more than an animal himself. Fuck you. Isn't that cool? You know what they say about a guy with a big dog? Big dog = little dick.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Women's Rights in Iran: Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Laureates, Iranian Poets and Artists Support July 25th Global Day of Action

Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Laureates, Iranian Poets and Artists Support July 25th Global Day of Action
“We deplore the violence and crackdown on peaceful protesters, the increasing restrictions on civil liberties, and the imprisonment of a growing number of civil leaders in Iran. ” Archbishop Destmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1984
“If one country sincerely wants to support democracy in another country that is under dictatorial rule, the only thing to do is to support the freedom fighters who stand for the democratic institutions of that country. Done this way, the sapling of democracy will bear the flower of freedom.” Shirin Ebadi, Iranian human rights activist, Nobel Peace Laureate, 2003
“The Iranian leadership is violating the country’s own commitments to international human rights treaties, as well as contravening Iran’s own laws.” Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1976
“We call for the release of all political prisoners, the secession of violence against protesters, and respect for human rights and civil liberties in Iran.” Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1997
The two most prominent living Iranian poets, Ismael Khoie, and Simin Behbahani, who lives in Tehran, have joined the Global Day of Action. Dariush, socially conscious singer and Iranian cultural icon, will perform at the Washington D.C. United 4 Iran rally.
Desmond Tutu, Shirin Ebadi , Mairead Maguire and Jody Williams are available for interviews.
Protests in Iran Continue – Global Activism Increasing
In over 55 cities around the world solidarity rallies are planned in support of civil and human rights for the Iranian people and for an end to the violence. Check for a full list of participating cities and supporting organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, FIDH, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, Nobel Women’s Initiative and Peacejam
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
for Walter Cronkite
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Outside the room
I'll eat ya then I'll beat ya
In a game of pool
I love your charcoal eyes
And your Old Man seems pretty cool
(off the Strip somewhere playin' pool)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
honeyhoney - Little Toy Gun
Friday, July 17, 2009
What's Going TODAY???...

Obama helps NAACP mark 100 years of fighting racism
The president greets the audience before his speech to the NAACP. Full Article at Chicago Tribune

Free Internet Press 14 hours ago
Moscow Pressed To Catch Killers Of Human Rights Activist Estemirova
Western governments have piled pressure on Russia to catch the killers of a renowned rights activist, as campaign groups accused Moscow of turning a blind eye to abuses. The United Nations also joined calls Thursday for a thorough, "transparent" Full Article at Free Internet Press

The State 22 hours ago
Pakistan promises to catch India attackers
SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt -- Pakistan promised India on Thursday that it will do everything in its power to bring the Mumbai terror attackers to justice, a key demand by New Delhi to improve relations. Full Article at The State

Killer parasites' genes decoded 1 day ago
The smaller female parasite lives inside the thicker male Scientists have decoded the genetic blueprint of two parasitic flatworms responsible for thousands of deaths worldwide every year. Full Article at BBC News

'30 Rock' goes for third Emmy in a row 20 hours ago
LOS ANGELES—Tina Fey's satire-rich sitcom, "30 Rock," received a leading 22 Emmy Award nominations Thursday, while the '60s retro series, "Mad Men," led the drama pack with 16 bids. Full Article at Denver Post
Giovanni French