Best of the Roses, John French mystrawhat.com myspace.com/mosshead7
Megyn Kelly is so very punk rock = A+++ +++ +++ +++
Megyn Kelly delivers everyday = understated elegance, beauty, intelligence and a highly consistent professionalism mixed w/ a genuine down-to-earth(ness) which portrays that, afterall, she doesn't take herself all that seriously where she tries to be queen of all media --- She does what she does very well --- and gets it done everyday ---
If you've ever watched her run "Kelly's Court" on Americas Newsroom it's evident that her skills as an attorney are razor sharp and she performs like a compelling orator.
In fact, the other evening Megyn and Lis Wiehl were on the Factor w/ Bill O'Reilly and she so passionately argued her side that she had me going, "holy shit - look at her go - she is truly fired-up but yet keeping her composure enough not to look like some nut-case" and actually making me raise my eyebrows in a cut-off-guard surprise. I almost felt bad for Lis Wiehl but like true sportsmen they acknowledged each other in a friendly manner at the end.
Best of White Roses, Giovanni French mystrawhat.com
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:47:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: John French <mosshead7@yahoo.com>
Subject: Megyn & the White Roses ...
To: americasnewsroom@foxnews.com
CC: lipsandears@foxnews.com
It appears I made the right decision w/ Megyn and the white roses ...Megyn is brilliantly radiant today = So beautifully HOT = A+++ +++ +++ +++
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:46:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: John French <mosshead7@yahoo.com>
Subject: right now = a "captivating" moment on morning TV ...
To: friends@foxnews.comright now = a "captivating" moment on morning TV ...p.s. Jenna is really HOT = A+++ +++ +++ +++
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:49:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: John French <mosshead7@yahoo.com>
Subject: Just Ordered a Dozen Roses to be Sent to FNC 1211 Avenue Of The Americas BUT for WHO???...
To: larryking@cnn.com, showbiztonight@cnn.com, lipsandears@foxnews.com,
americasnewsroom@foxnews.com, cnnnewsroom@cnn.com, redeye@foxnews.com,
letters@latimes.com, letters@nypost.com,
CC: jill.dobson@foxnews.com, snl@nbc.comIn the fashion of Good Clean American fun =Could it be for Greg Gutfeld as I just finished his witty and entertainingly delightful book Lessons from the Land of Pork Scratchings: A Miserable Yank Discovers the Secret of Happiness in Britain???Or could they be for Megyn Kelly of FNC's Americas Newsroom who everyday is 110% consistent in her dynamic & engaging delivery and beautifully understated appearance which makes her = HOT = A+++ and defintely one of the hottest women of the new everyday media? ...who doesn't seem to take herself all that seriously and is really down-to-earth charmingly refreshing for someone who translates as such a radiant beauty on TV so organically and, moreover, is so sharply smart - and, afterall, also being an attorney...???Who could these dozen roses be for...???Stay tuned... (Greg Gutfeld also gets kudos for providing me w/ a book which allowed me to be around my wife and hanging out - not on the computer - but reading - and geting credit for quality time - while she watched TV I'm not so interested in which makes me anxious like I'm wasting valuable moments of my life)...
The third part – Presto Agitato- is twice as long as the first two parts. Fischer felt this part as being the representation of a storm. A very impetuous storm, if we take into account the fact that at the time when he was composing the sonata, Beethoven was madly in love with Giulietta with whom he had hopes of getting married. The listener can distinguish two themes in this part: a tempestuous one built on arpeggios and strongly accented notes and a second theme, more lyrical in form which comes into contrast with the first one. Both themes are magnificently interlaced and create the impetuous storm emotion Fischer experienced.
This is one of the most well known piano sonatas by Beethoven. The Moonlight Sonata was written in 1801 and today, more than ever, it remaines one of the most popular pieces of piano music in history.
Download the complete Moonlight Sonata music sheet from here.