My Parker Bean
I have memories of you
And I have pictures too
I haven’t pulled out all the old video
I wouldn’t be able to get up and go
And I know I’d go down a rabbit hole
So I am grateful you’re in my dreams
You’re proof life is better than it seems
-John Conte- written October 30, 2019- #dogs #pets #love #forever #memories #video #dreams#pictures #everyday #life #new #poetry #poet #dedicated #dog #poem#my #parker #bean #lhasaapso
I have memories of you
And I have pictures too
I haven’t pulled out all the old video
I wouldn’t be able to get up and go
And I know I’d go down a rabbit hole
So I am grateful you’re in my dreams
You’re proof life is better than it seems
-John Conte- written October 30, 2019- #dogs #pets #love #forever #memories #video #dreams#pictures #everyday #life #new #poetry #poet #dedicated #dog #poem#my #parker #bean #lhasaapso