Monday, February 17, 2014

BIGnewmedia #prediction: competing U$A cities soon ...

In an effort for competing cities who need dollars that visiting tourists bring and also dollars that people wanting to move & live in a city bring U$A cities soon will be saying ...

"you can either go to Pittsburgh where 22 people died in just a few weeks from bad black market cheap stamp bags of heroin ...

a city with plenty of crappy black market drugs ruled by stoned teen aged death gangs ...

In Maryland, at least 37 people have died from the combined drugs, according to the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and in western Pennsylvania, authorities said they caused 22 deaths in recent weeks. In Rhode Island, 25 people have died from the laced heroin, and in Vermont state police have warned that pure fentanyl is being sold as heroin.  

 ... hey but gambling and drinking are legal = so go ahead & visit Pittsburgh's casinos & drink til you puke all over the charming streets of historic South Side any given night 7 days a week ... 
their jail is located on prime riverview property downtown ...

Or you can visit & live in a place where we have good government regulated 100% organic recreation

... we're even passing out free Doritos with the new sane laws we just passed ...

The choice is yours .. don't be late. .. & above-all  remember to have fun & be safe!"

#BIGnewEdayMedia2014 coming soon to featuring original poetry and top 25 hottest women of new everyday media ... coming when the roses bloom again

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