Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jimi Hendrix Plays "Hound Dog" on Acoustic Guitar ... If I Were a Rapper or a Modern Day Pop Sensation, I'd Either Cry Watching This Or Be Inspired.

Jimi Hendrix hanging out with some friends, entertaining them with some bluesy acoustic guitar playing.

This footage has never been published.

This is such a royal treat to watch as in Happy Valley's Penn State University I found this rare Jimi Hendrix CD called First Time in Canada and as a one of two bonus tracks this rendition of Hound Dog was one of them. It blew me away and still does = clearly demonstrating the raw polished genius of Jimi Hendrix as a guitar player, singer, classic all-time forever Pop Icon ...

Really, if I were a rapper or pop sensation of today, I'd watch this (while stoned) and just fucking weep - or, if I were smart and humble, I'd be really inspired by this and go back to the basics and listen to what inspired Jimi and then filter out all the bull shit and then create something that's taking my game to the next level and really trying to contribute something great towards our civilization and not just be satisfied with the shallow adoration of my spoon-fed fans, record companies, DJs, media and peers who value superficial status over organic genius.


Best of the Roses,
John French

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