Monday, January 19, 2009

Six O'Clock Whistle

Everyday the six o'clock whistle would blow
The location of the whistle was a few blocks
Away from the house I called home all my life
Until I moved out however the house my father
Once lived was located right at the corner where
The six o'clock whistle blew each & everyday
And could be heard on the hill & down in town
During the winter months it may have indicated
A start of a street hockey game until homework
Or in the summer months signify the calming of
A brilliant dusk above the river & over the valley
I loved the town I grew-up in and parents still live
My father settled there after leaving a little village
In Italy as did a lot of others did from his village
Settling in the same town or neighboring towns and
Providing me with the fortunate and secure sense
Of good friends & family I learned to love & respect
My mother grew-up in this town as well and also
Had a large network of family and friends who were
Active and also provided me with security and love
Nowadays I live just a few towns over and up the river
Where there are also big hills & trains that run along
And there is a whistle that blows at 9:45 p.m. for
Some sort of curfew, I believe, and I live closer to it
And our dog barks and howls everytime he hears it
Which makes my wife say he acts like it's the first
I miss the six o'clock whistle and hearing it howl
While inside my parent's home watching local news
Yet indeed I'm quite certain I'd miss the 9:45 too
And so I look forward to hearing it blare every evening

written Sunday January 18, 2008 at 6:06 p.m.

Best of the Roses,
John French

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