Friday, April 25, 2008

Megyn Kelly Is So HOT = The Sun Needs Protection from Her = A+++ +++ +++ +++ Yeah, On or Off FNC ...

Wow! Whoa! BAAM! Ka-Pow!

Take Me w/ U

"I Can Bring Home the Bacon (da-daan-da-daant) - And Fry It up in the Pan - (da-daan-da-daant) - And Never Ever Let You Forget Your a Man"
Really, now, can you imagine having a Megyn Kelly at home???
Her man is a lucky man = 'Good for you bro...
Best of the White Roses Delivered to Megyn Kelly this Week
for Being the 1st Quarter 2008 Winner
of The New Everyday Media Roses
Best of the Roses, Giovanni French

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Film & Video Production ... from University to Everyday ...

Yesterday with two Film & Video Production students of Point Park University (which is one of the top universities for digital movie making).

They are also (whiz-kid) "interns" for the Evan Edelist (who i sometimes luvingly refer to as "Hollywood Emmy Guy" or "Evan-the-Enabler") documentary film we've been working on involving Liz Berlin, Mr. Small's (Theatre-Recordings-Skatepark), Rusted Root, Pittsburgh, the-road, supporting scene(s), etc.

I am proud to be working with Billy & Kevin and instead of being one of those asshole dudes who think they know it all and couldn't possibly learn anything from anyone younger than them, on the contrary, I am open like a random door frame in the middle of a forest and lots of bright, brilliant sun shine comes on through along w/ a gentle breeze --- and I know I can learn from these two young lads (who are nonchalant, modest "bad asses" when it comes to movie making and going to university for it and all)... I had such a cool time that I wanna take them for beers and some food sometime soon and even when it doesn't involve an interview or editing or filming. Yeah, I had allot of pompous professors and met other people like the pompous professors but they weren't professors but just as pompous and close minded to the point where it was quite apparent they felt not many people had anything to offer for their enlightenment and certainly not anyone younger... you know ... what a drag ...

At any rate, Billy & Kevin interviewed me for the Evan Edelist (who i sometimes luvingly refer to as "Hollywood Emmy Guy" or "Evan-the-Enabler") documentary film that we've been working on involving Liz Berlin, Mr. Small's (Theatre-Recordings-Skatepark), Rusted Root, Pittsburgh...

Billy & Kevin have excelled in the program and one of their school projects/movies will be "screened" at Cannes Film Festival as part of the special program through Point Park University which Kevin qualified for and is providing him with this great opportunity.

In any event, we were enjoying drinking beers outside at a cafe` and conversing about equipment & gear, content, process, method, perspective, opportunity, etc. and foreign films from the 60's (having tremendous substance in all regards)...

Best of Festival de Cannes Roses, Giovanni French

"Hi, John French, It's Me" ...

"Hi, John French, it's me, Jenna Lee, here and I'm glad you're starting to get to know who I am --- And I'm glad to see you blogging more and look forward to you blogging some more about the women of the new everyday media --- So, it's obvious Megyn Kelly, Julie Banderas and Brooke Anderson have been engaging you with their own captivating fashion, however, there are allot of us out there everyday so tell sometime soon who else has been making you swoon!!!... OK?"

"Kiss Me Deadly": Happily Being Kissed to Death by Brooke Anderson

Hi Brooke Anderson ...

"Kiss me once Kiss me twice C'mon pretty baby, kiss me deadly" ...

What a happy way to go, you know --- Kissed to death by you, Brooke Anderson ---

Best of California Stars, Giovanni French

"Julie Banderas Is So HOT = She's on Fire" ---(Greg Gutfeld, Red Eye 4/24)---

You are right again, sir! Julie Banderas was indeed smoking-red-hot this early, early a.m. when Red Eye aired for a Thursday, April 24, 2008.

In the same token, Red Eye was smokin' again, as usual, as it does everyday...

Your mother was a pistol last night and such sarcasm was shooting out of her mouth! And, really, it's endearingly awesome how she sticks-up for Bill Schulz - (even though he's crazy and last night was like a crazy, narcissistic teenager - the way he kept inserting, "me!" into any opening he could find).

It's a real treat when Andy Levy sits at the "big boy table" w/ you & Bill and whatever Hotties you have on tap (sometimes, unfortunately, that tap has some stale shit though -but, fortunately, not all that frequent,). Yeah, so whoever fills-in for Andy while he's at the big-boy-table I just may automatically like because it takes him out of the basement for his two slotted appearances --- however indeedly so that Dan from Maxim was rather good.

And, speaking of good, your past couple "drawings of the NEWS" featuring Unicorn Jones have been really good!
The Unicorn Jones "before and after" entering Yale was good!
And, your Unicorn as a head polygamist w/ 16 wives was great~!!!
When I saw it, I laughed-out so loud that I woke-up my wife.
(even though I agree w/ Andy Levy and there's nothing funny about that story)

4/24: Here's what Unicorn Jones looked like before he entered Yale as an incoming freshman and how he looked after just two semesters. He went from a vibrant, muscular unicorn/Pegasus creature to an angry fat feminist with ankles the size of tree trunks

4/24: Greg recreates when Unicorn Jones ran his own polygamy compound, where he had 16 wives. He was later excommunicated when it was found out that unicorns are mythical woodland creatures and cannot bear human children

• Art imitates life: DNA Testing of Polygamist Sect Children Completed

Lastly, Kevin Sorbo was a good guest. What he said about our national security took balls for him to say for risk of being ostracized by his community-at-large.

Kevin seems like a good guy. His charity is a great thing and well needed for today and our future ---

Best of the Roses, John French

Megyn Kelly Holds Court on FNC's Americas Newsroom Everyday Monday - Friday = A+++ +++ +++ +++

winner of The New Everyday Media's

"Best of the Roses" for the 1st quarter 2008

Megyn Kelly is so very punk rock = A+++ +++ +++ +++

Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly delivers everyday = understated elegance, beauty, intelligence and a highly consistent professionalism mixed w/ a genuine down-to-earth(ness) which portrays that, afterall, she doesn't take herself all that seriously where she tries to be queen of all media --- She does what she does very well --- and gets it done everyday ---

If you've ever watched her run "Kelly's Court" on Americas Newsroom it's evident that her skills as an attorney are razor sharp and she performs like a compelling orator.

In fact, the other evening Megyn and Lis Wiehl were on the Factor w/ Bill O'Reilly and she so passionately argued her side that she had me going, "holy shit - look at her go - she is truly fired-up but yet keeping her composure enough not to look like some nut-case" and actually making me raise my eyebrows in a cut-off-guard surprise. I almost felt bad for Lis Wiehl but like true sportsmen they acknowledged each other in a friendly manner at the end.

Best of White Roses, Giovanni French

Megyn & the White Roses ...

John French <> wrote:
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:47:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: John French <>
Subject: Megyn & the White Roses ...

It appears I made the right decision w/ Megyn and the white roses ...
Megyn is brilliantly radiant today = So beautifully HOT = A+++ +++ +++ +++
Best of Organic Roses,
Giovanni French

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Translating Images of Everyday Media ...

Just yesterday I was with two Film & Video Production students of Point Park University (which is one of the top universities for digital movie making).
Billy & Kevin have excelled in the program and one of their school projects/movies will be "screened" at Cannes Film Festival as part of the special program through Point Park University which Kevin qualified for and is providing him with this great opportunity.
In any event, we were enjoying drinking beers outside at a cafe` and conversing about equipment & gear, content, process, method, perspective, opportunity, etc. and one of the things while we were on the subject of foreign films from the 60's (having tremendous substance in all regards) Kevin brought-up was a film that was shown in one of his classes for discussion. He said the film was like some mathematical problem and was filled with angles, calculated sequences, circumferences, allegories - and that the cinematography was wildly stimulating and yet as it was in subtitles (not knowing the language) you were compelled to pay attention and keep-up w/ reading the subtitles to follow the dialog.
Interestingly, most of the class followed along w/ the subtitles whereas one student ignored the subtitles and just watched the film unravel. The one student's perspective was sharply different from the rest of the class and, actually, was more in-touch w/ the philosophy of the film itself.
The "still" shot above from Red Eye demonstrates this --- It neatly demonstrates how you do not necessarily need to read the dialog going on to put it all together if the proper cinematic techniques are employed.
Now, with this pic from Red Eye, I do believe, in this case, this may be just accidental. I mean, Greg & Bill & Andy are extremely bright but I don't know if they actually planned this type of suggestive symbolism that comes through here.
Sure the title here tells the tale = that Savanna Samson is reporting on some type of "Adult News." However, for me, I don't need the those words to spoon-feed me what's going on here. I look at Savanna Samson and her hair, lips, eyes & apparel and I look at the objects/symbols that happen to appear in the picture = and I dig it.
Best of Cinematic Roses,
Giovanni French

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What Men Want to Know about the New Everyday Media...

"Hey, John French, when are you going to let us know
who's been looking HOT HOT HOT in the New Everyday Media

"Yeah, you know we all look for that everyday on your blog."

"Oh, no, you're not going off line are you?!"

"Perhaps we should go to the country club and chat about what's going on here, Old Sport?!"

right now = a "captivating" moment on morning TV ...

First lady Laura Bush and daughter Jenna Bush talk about writing new children's book "Read All About It" about a boy who doesn't like to read. It is based on their experiences as teachers.

John French <> wrote:

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:46:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: John French <>
Subject: right now = a "captivating" moment on morning TV ...

right now = a "captivating" moment on morning TV ...

p.s. Jenna is really HOT = A+++ +++ +++ +++

Best of Organic Roses,
Giovanni French

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fwd: Ordered a Dozen Roses to be Sent to FNC 1211 Avenue Of The Americas BUT for WHO???...

John French <> wrote:
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 07:49:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: John French <>
Subject: Just Ordered a Dozen Roses to be Sent to FNC 1211 Avenue Of The Americas BUT for WHO???...

In the fashion of Good Clean American fun =
I Just Ordered a Dozen Roses to be Sent to FNC 1211 Avenue Of The Americas BUT for WHO???...
Could it be for Greg Gutfeld as I just finished his witty and entertainingly delightful book Lessons from the Land of Pork Scratchings: A Miserable Yank Discovers the Secret of Happiness in Britain???
Or could they be for Megyn Kelly of FNC's Americas Newsroom who everyday is 110% consistent in her dynamic & engaging delivery and beautifully understated appearance which makes her = HOT = A+++ and defintely one of the hottest women of the new everyday media? ...who doesn't seem to take herself all that seriously and is really down-to-earth charmingly refreshing for someone who translates as such a radiant beauty on TV so organically and, moreover, is so sharply smart - and, afterall, also being an attorney...???
Who could these dozen roses be for...???
Stay tuned... (Greg Gutfeld also gets kudos for providing me w/ a book which allowed me to be around my wife and hanging out - not on the computer - but reading - and geting credit for quality time - while she watched TV I'm not so interested in which makes me anxious like I'm wasting valuable moments of my life)...
Best of Organic Roses,
Giovanni French

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

Monday, April 21, 2008



In the dark velvety night
Her skin looked so bright
My thoughts illuminated
By her sweet curves and
Soft silky skin in moonlight

The Moon and stars above
Burning their embers so
Brilliantly I felt warm from
Them and could not sleep
But was caught in a deep

Vision illuminated by light
And to be sure it was not
Just the blue light of the TV
I looked out the window and
At a radiant moon in the sky

Best of Organic Roses,
Giovanni French
written at 4:44 a.m.

Part I – Adagio Sostenuto- is based on an accompanying motif in triplet rhythm that, together with a accented notes motif, creates the impression of a grave, meditative state of mind. The composer adds the following direction at the beginning of the first part: „ Si deve suonare tutto pezzo delicatissimamente e senza sordino” which means that the performer should play the part with great delicacy and without dampers. It is also true that the modern piano has a much longer sustain time than the instruments of Beethoven's day. Therefore, his instruction cannot be followed by pianists playing modern instruments without creating an unpleasantly dissonant sound.(Wikipedia, The Moonlight Sonata Page)

The second part- Allegretto- is very small in size which leads to the idea that it was conceived more as a connection between the first and third part, rather than a part all by itself. The feeling is now denser in consistency, and the fairly meditative character of the first part gradually fades away, preparing the tumult of the third part.

The third part – Presto Agitato- is twice as long as the first two parts. Fischer felt this part as being the representation of a storm. A very impetuous storm, if we take into account the fact that at the time when he was composing the sonata, Beethoven was madly in love with Giulietta with whom he had hopes of getting married. The listener can distinguish two themes in this part: a tempestuous one built on arpeggios and strongly accented notes and a second theme, more lyrical in form which comes into contrast with the first one. Both themes are magnificently interlaced and create the impetuous storm emotion Fischer experienced.

This is one of the most well known piano sonatas by Beethoven. The Moonlight Sonata was written in 1801 and today, more than ever, it remaines one of the most popular pieces of piano music in history.
Download the complete Moonlight Sonata music sheet from here.

Dear Bill Maher:

Dear Bill Maher:

I dig where you're coming from about "know one really knows" when you get on your mighty manufactured soap-box and use the airwaves and satellites as your platform to broadcast these boring, mundane thoughts and ideas that may shock religious people of the right and left (of course in different ways) and stir some kind of echo w/ in those who believe their soul just flickers out like a candle blown-out by the wind.

For given that the universe is infinite-in-all-directions, it is really boring for me to hear you ram-rod people in the ears about how there is no God and that you and all your "learned" scientist buddys (that you hang out w/ at the Playboy Mansion -I'm sure-) know everything under the Sun and Moon.

It's the "what ifs" that are the little mysteries in life and death that a truly wise man or woman cannot deny.

Sure you may not be able to explain them - but that's what poets (priests and priestesses of the unknown) are for, anyway.

Your deductive reasoning leading you to the point that there is no God and there is no heaven or hell may be good to get young ladies to to lay-down-with-you but as far as room for something really exciting, stimulating and earth shattering, it's boring and leaves no room for creativity.

Sure, I give you kudos for being "fair and balanced" and having different guests on to represent different sides but then you always shoot everyone down and then just play tit-for-tat w/ Bill O'Reilly of the Factor on FNC.

It would be much better that if when you said, "no one really knows" that you truly meant it and were open to that "what ifs" as much as you are the "why nots" --- even if the "what ifs" are unexplainable and non-calculable.

Then you'd captivate my attention and I may find it worth while to see your new movie.

And, yes, given that the universe is "infinite-in-all-directions" and that it's well known scientific fact (well known for decades now) that we are all made of stardust. And, thus, just like stars we emit radio waves. And, moreover, just as when stars die, it's proved that they still emit radio waves - that there's still energy present for transmission - we too (made of stardust) like the stars still emit these radio waves after we die --- Thus, if one can eliminate the static withing their be-ing one is much more open to receive these radio waves --- more open to transmit and receive these radio waves.

Speaking of being open and receiving, emitting and transmitting --- I would find you much more entertaining on the subject matters of life and death, religion, art, humanity and, actually, in general, if perhaps instead of just snorting cocaine and drinking your martinis (to further feed and numb your ego) if you would partake in something that could actually open-the-doors a little for you by really cleansing your perception to make you more qualified to talk about matters of life and death, religion, art, humanity ...

For me your like a cactus that has rich nectar within but you're such a prick that you cannot and will not sustain yourself from within as you're too caught-up in the exterior and the material world to realize the potential of the immaterial world. When all you have to do is just taste the nectar from within ---

Under the right environment, why don't you try a little death? Bring yourself close to death so you can really see --- so you can perceive beyond the little pricks of the cactus and taste the nectar w/ in -which, of course, may first take you and introduce you to a little death but eventually, if you're a survivor and of substance, you'll experience the beauty of life like never before --- seeing it through doors which are of the infinite playground of all existence.

There is science behind this too, Bill... Beyond Aldous Huxley and more current scientific findings published in a more modern language for you to review.

For instance --- consider this information from Edgar Zignar, Jr. of the Daily Utah Chronicle about Wade Davis ---

Wade Davis, a Harvard-trained ethnobotanist, lectured on his mentor's years in the Amazons. Davis wrote a book titled One River chronicling Schultes' plant discoveries and experiences with indigenous tribes. The event was sponsored by the College of Humanities.

Venturing through the Amazon rainforest, studying plants, taking photographs and living with unknown tribes is how ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes spent a dozen years of his life. Along the way, Schultes discovered hundreds of plants and learned their medicinal uses and countless herbal concoctions.

Community members filled the main auditorium The City Library on Wednesday night to learn about Schultes' Amazonian adventures. Wade Davis, a Harvard-trained ethnobotanist, lectured on his mentor's years in the Amazons. Davis wrote a book titled One River chronicling Schultes' plant discoveries and experiences with indigenous tribes. The event was sponsored by the College of Humanities."I thought it was a fantastic combination to tell the story juxtaposed with photographs," said Koshlan Mayer-Blackwell, a graduate student going into architecture. "I think it's amazing when you see someone so invested in something that it becomes inspiring to be so unbelievably directed."Davis described Schultes as a man with an incredible knowledge of plants who spent most of his life trying to understand plants' roles in the human experience.

Davis said Schultes was able to communicate with the indigenous tribes because of his innate knack for languages. Schultes spoke several European languages and was conversant in a few languages indigenous to South America. With that linguistic ability and his interest in anthropology, Schultes learned how the indigenous tribes of the Amazon used ayahuasca, a jungle vine with hallucinogenic properties, and scores of other plants such as cariari.

The indigenous shamans learned how to combine these plants through trial and error, which would be considered empirical research in Western society. Davis said Schultes understood this and tried to learn and discover as much as he could from these untrained scientists.
Davis said people in cultures around the world have tried to change their ordinary consciousness through meditation and religious rituals with plants. Indigenous people know the need for drugs must be satisfied. They don't see it as deviant behavior, Davis said, but rather almost in a positive light because users are under a protective cloak of ritual reinforcement.
Davis said Schultes was a man who made his career possible because of the work he accomplished. Davis dedicated six years to researching Schultes' life and writing One River.
Davis admits that he was nervous at first about how Schultes would react to the book but said that the nervousness subsided when he later learned Schultes kept the book at his bedside and would read it when he couldn't fall asleep at night."I wanted to tell my best friend and mentor's story," Davis said.

So before you lay down your head tonight, I'd second guess yourself (-like all good inquisitive minds should about everything under the Sun and Moon, anyway- especially those of reasonable faith -as faith is not worth having if you do not have good reason to believe for "yourself") and dream about what-if there's some eternal breath that carries us to the otherside of morning - on the good side of the river - once are bodies flicker out like a candle flame blown by the wind.

Best of Organic Roses,
Giovanni French