Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 1967 Jimi Hendrix Rocking Out Bob Dylan's Like A Rolling Stone in Monterey, California............

When St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band came was released it was so brand new that Sir Paul McCartney was blown away when he (and other rock legends) witnessed Jimi Hendrix in London, England take the track St. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and light it on fire. Yeah, Jimi picked it up that day and played the fuck out of it.
This past October a friend of mine asked this girl what kind of music she listened to and as she wasn't that versed in music and said so what she ended-up saying seemed to compensate. "Well, I listen to whatever is current."
OK, well, someone like me would say that a). I like filtering through all the bull shit and listening to what pleases me b). I like music that I can listen to over and over and over again and not get bored w/ it as it c). I like music that comes from artists who have an appreciation of the past and the sacrifices made for current artists to exist in the way they do d). I like music that cannot necessarily be boxed-in and labeled e). I like music that transcends time and space and f). I also like music that represents "the here and now" but also allows you to listen to it later and interpret it in a different way so that that "here and now" still works for you and your growth and development as a human be-ing...
So, go ahead, listen to your current music and what's spoon fed to you by the big corporate music machine and I'll sit here at 2:27 a.m. w/ my Fine Champagne Cognac and feel the musical waves of vibrant energy crash upon the shores of time = relevant and current forever = timeless sensations

Video Description

Jimi Hendrix - Like A Rolling Stone live, Monterey International Pop Music Festival June 16-18 1967. Over 200,000 people attended.

Best of the Roses,
Giovanni French

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