Saturday, April 20, 2013

may add 2localslots for TopHottest #newedaymedia list for 2014 ebook BIGnewEdayMedia

may add 2localslots for TopHottest list for 2014 ebook BIGnewEdayMedia at

really now I may be forced to rethink allotted 1 local slot for TopHottest #neweverydaymedia listing for upcoming poetry & #newmedia ebook BIGnewEdayMedia for 2013-14
What do you think?
Is Pittsburgh becoming a bigger media (#newEdaymedia haha) market?! Or are there just more dynamically compelling & engaging personalities now more than ever?!
Best of the Roses (but not rose colored glasses), 2014 e-book BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to (with original poetry & #newEdaymedia listing of the Top Hottest)
John Alan Conte` Jr.

perfect = New: “Hearts & Minds” by SonVolt (song & video are simply gorgeous contradictable terms of grit & beauty ). ..

This song & video are simply gorgeous contradictable terms of grit & beauty celebrated together in a poem to life stating this is exactly where we’re @ here & now: contradictable terms of grit & beauty like metamorphic allies = ah, this is perfect. New: “Hearts & Minds” by Son Volt

contradictable terms of grit & beauty like metamorphic allies #perfect New: “Hearts & Minds” by SonVolt (watch here)
Son Volt @ Mr. Small's Theatre in Pittsburgh PA = New #HeartsAndMinds June 21st = can't wait to see Jay again
Best of the Roses, 2014 e-book BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to  (with  original poetry & #newEdaymedia listing of the Top Hottest)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What can you do to create a peaceful world?

Yoko Ono @yokoono
What can you do to create a peaceful world? Just be what you really are - a person who is kind.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" ...

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Best of the Roses but not rose colored glasses, BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon @

maybe when you have so much on your plate to try & please everyone's agenda it's hard to notice truly good valued priorities!

@ShawnUpchurch maybe when you have so much on your plate to try & please everyone's agenda it's hard to notice truly good valued priorities!

“Some men see things as they are and say "why." I dream things that never were and say "why not.” ~Robert F. Kennedy #leadership

Don't let anyone in your head you wouldn't enjoy dinner conversation with almost every night or so. You don't need to do that to yourself

@NewEdayMedia --- Don't let anyone in your head you wouldn't enjoy dinner conversation with almost every night or so. You don't need to do that to yourself ---

@NewEdayMedia --- i just came up with that one this mornng. inspired by a tweet a read from #YokoOno @yokoono
Peace & Love.
Best of the Roses but not rose colored glasses, BIGnewEdayMedia coming soon to

with be-ing famous comes responsibility = John & Yoko stood for the small person here & #won

Clearly - there was no - Sin in John Sinclair's crime = John & Yoko actually helped set John Sinclair free w/ organization of this song, benefit & help in protesting. Best of the Roses (but not rose colored glasses)

Monday, April 15, 2013