Saturday, March 3, 2012
Nouvelle Vague - Heart of glass - Live de la semaine french tv 2006.avi
"Quand le front de l'enfant, plein de rouges tourmentes,Implore l'essaim blanc des rêves indistincts,Il vient près de son lit deux grandes soeurs charmantesAvec de frêles doigts aux ongles argentins.Elles assoient l'enfant auprès d'une croiséeGrande ouverte où l'air bleu baigne un fouillis de fleurs,Et dans ses lourds cheveux où tombe la roséePromènent leurs doigts fins, terribles et charmeurs.Il écoute chanter leurs haleines craintivesQui fleurent de longs miels végétaux et rosésEt qu'interrompt parfois un sifflement, salivesReprises sur la lèvre ou désirs de baisers.Il entend leurs cils noirs battant sous les silencesParfumés ; et leurs doigts électriques et douxFont crépiter parmi ses grises indolencesSous leurs ongles royaux la mort des petits poux.Voilà que monte en lui le vin de la Paresse,Soupirs d'harmonica qui pourrait délirer ;L'enfant se sent, selon la lenteur des caresses,Sourdre et mourir sans cesse un désir de pleurer."Les Chercheuses de poux
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Like It Or Not: Andrew Breitbart, Internet Provocateur, Dies at 43
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 5:29 PM
Subject: "New Media Types"
Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 5:29 PM
Subject: "New Media Types"
Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld are on the money here w/ Andrew bringing moderate republicans into a platform that would amplify their thoughts, lives and ideas that are, well, OK, and just as deserving to be heard in arenas that have the eyes of the world upon them whether in Georgetown, West L.A., Austin, TX, Pittsburgh, PA or NYC. And all the while "just doing it" for the more right conservatives and not asking for permission before they really even could realize the counter culture (swimming salmon) affect taking place and percolating --- new media like that of the spirit of "taxation w/ out representation" . ..Agree or disagree w/ the politics I believe his new media path and contributions negate paltry politics of a Georgetown cocktail party. This "is" something way bigger ablaze. ..No shutting the dooR now that it's been blown open wide.Greg articulated it all so well in Americasnewsroom w/ Martha this a.m. ... "He has a powerful legacy and will be remembered as a legend."And while lighting candles as I do @ dusk everyday aware of the energy around, I remembered Andrew, an illuminating figure agree or disagree w/ the point of view of politics.
Best of the Roses (but not rose colored glasses),
Giovanni French
& the new everyday media
New Media Madness: an everyday art